FAMST 46 Study Guide - Final Guide: Direct Cinema, Spirited Away, Stan Brakhage

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25 Dec 2017

Document Summary

The final will ask you to analyze a sequence from film/s seen in class. You could be asked to concentrate on one film or to compare two sequences. Analyze the use of cinematic techniques in creating the form of the scene/s. Organize your analysis around a concise and coherent discussion of form and narrative. Is there a logic in the editing? (10pts. ) What are the criteria adopted and what difference do they make. Does it point to some aspects of the action? (10pts. ) All the elements placed in front of the camera to be photographed: the settings and props, lighting, costumes and makeup, and figure behavior. Do we see the action from particular angles? (10pts. ) General term for all the manipulations of the film strip by the camera in the shooting phase and by the laboratory in the developing phase. Crane movement, tracking, panning, tilt, long take, long shot, deep focus, shallow focus, deep space, framing, reframing.