FAMST 101D Study Guide - Final Guide: Culture Of The United Kingdom, Emotional Labor, Kinescope

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21 Mar 2020

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Explain the public service broadcasting paradigm that was developed by the bbc during the 1920s and early 1930s. Responsibility for being the voice of the nation. All about profit and getting the highest ratings/most money. Why, according to hilmes, was the relationship between american and. Both nations used the other"s model about what not to do. America considered british model to be sleepy and elitist. Then a switch happened and they both started to implement aspects of each other. India took on the colonial/governmental public service model of. Mexico used commercial model of us: british radio. How did radio change the nature of public life for citizens of the united. Identify some of the ways in which, prior to the arrival of the. Bbc, cultural experiences differed depending on one"s gender, class, or social status. Elite cultural spaces were marked by sense of belonging and divided by class, gender, ethnicity, generation.