EEMB 2 Study Guide - Exponential Growth, Species Richness, Monarch Butterfly

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29 Nov 2013

Document Summary

Ecology-the study of the distribution and abundance of organisms and the factors and interaction that determines their distribution and abundance. Goal: to observe patterns, describe processes and use this information to predict, manage and control. Ecologist use a variety of sources(observation and monitoring in the natural environment, manipulative field experiments, controlled lab experiments, and mathematical models: mathematical models. The criterion of distribution and abundance of organisms in the natural environments. P values measure the strength of the conclusions being drawn. If p is less than 0. 05, then the result is statistically significant. Typically operates at the highest scales of biological organization. Each level operates at different biological, temporal, and spatial scales. Organism-a single individual of a single species: behaviors, environmental physiology, morphology. Population-individuals of the same species living in the same geographical area: factors that affect population size and composition, the populations of species vary over space and time.