BL ST 7 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jamaica Kincaid, A Small Place, Upper Class

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Professor strongman will go over the final tomorrow. The final will be an essay based on the novels for the class. You will be asked to answer a question to the effect of how the protagonists of the novels are liminal characters as hero figures in their context. The concept of the hero"s journey was described by mythologist joseph campbell in his book the hero with a thousand faces. Seen in various modern works: star wars, lord of the ring, harry potter, the lion king, the matrix, fight club. Goes from being a house slave to a field slave. Sent from antigua to the u. s. to work. Goes to college and begins writing professionally. Very critical of her home of antigua. Autobiography of a slave: cuba, spain=spanish, catholic and santeria, black, slave, male, literate, autobiography. A small place: antigua, england=english, christian, later converts to judaism, black, poor antiguan, female, very educated, semi-autobiographical.