PSYC 2400 Study Guide - Final Guide: Recapitulation Theory, Tabula Rasa, Cognitive Development

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Short-term memory: what we use when we are actively thinking, Sm and ltm is brought together, attended to, and actively processed. (rehersal, elaboration) Long-term memory: refers to information retained on an enduring basis, receives info from sm & stm, unlimited capacity & unlimited trace duration. Sensory memory: refers to the feeing retention of sights, sounds, and other sensations that have just been experienced. Elaboration: a memory strategy, adding to info/embedding to a story. Encoding: the representation in memory of specific features of objects and events e. g siegler"s experiment. Processing speed: (kali 200) speed of information processing, e. g verbal articulation or completeing simple geometeric tasks. Episodic memory: explicit memories of events that took place at specific times and places in an individuals personal past. Procedural memory: memory of how to do things. Phonology: the system of the sound segments that humans use to build up words, collection of phonemes, smallest sound unit that affects meaning*bat vs cat*