PSYC 1103 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Reinforcement, Libido, Genital Stage

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Document Summary

Stress = disruption in the course of a person"s physical or psychological functioning. Strained facial expressions, shaky voice, posture change. Alarm = meeting & resisting stressor i. activation of nervous system, adrenal glands, immune system respiration, heart rate, blood pressure increase. Resistance = coping & dealing with it i. Exhaustion = final rallying of defenses followed by breakdown. Psychoneuroimmunology = the study of the effects of stress, emotions, thoughts, and behavior on the immune system. 3 major types of consequences from stress: Stress mediators - intervene between stressor and response. Cognitive appraisal - not a direct path. Hardiness = can thrive in the face of stress; sense of commitment and control; perceives problems as challenges rather than threats. Type a behavior influences intensity of stress experience and response. Coping = efforts to control, reduce, or tolerate the threats that lead to stress.