PSYC 1101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Hypersomnia, Hypomania, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

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Document Summary

A. k. a. a statistical definition of normal: example of normal/abnormal: Most people experience 10 saturdays out of the year, then tenant is normal. Someone new experiences that this for over 15 days is more style than about 70% of the population. Standard deviation is five individual versus population: Cultures within populations, families within cultures, and individuals within families all have their own definition of normal. Normality/discomfort inefficiency equals relative: causal agent is seen as the cause of the abnormal behavior in the individual, explanatory principle explains how the causal agent brings about the abnormal behavior. Not a frequently occurring state it normal people. Normal anxiety is an emotional state in response to anxiety provoking situation. Anxiety is a group symptom of the major psychopathologies. Anxiety is basic to all anxiety disorders. Different ways exciting manifests itself in the ways individuals: when is exciting pathological? choose to cope with it.