NURS 3110 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gram-Positive Bacteria, Antigen, Teichoic Acid

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Clinical science exam 1 study questions: describe the function of the following bacterial/prokaryotic cell structures: capsule, cytoplasmic membrane, peptidoglycan layer, periplasmic space, fimbriae, glycocalyx, pili, flagella. (see microbiology, chapter 4, pp 91-94) Cytoplasmic membrane: structure: phospholipids & proteins, function, selective permeability & transport, electron transport & oxidative phosphorylation, excretion of some enzymes, essential enzymes, carrier molecules, receptors, proteins of chemotactic system. Peptidoglycan layer: the cell walls of most bacteria gain their relative strength and stability. Periplasmic space: between inner & outer membrane, between cellular membrane and peptidoglycan layer, 20-40% of cell volume, contains enzymes. Fimbriae: aggregate and proliferate, small, bristlelike fibers emerging from the surface of many bacterial cells. Glycocalyx: develops as a coating of macromolecules to protect the cell and, in some cases, help it adhere to its environment. Pili: rigid surface of protein, adherence to host, attachment of donor & recipient cells in bacteria conjugation (pass dna, allow for proliferation of organism.