LING 1010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Onomatopoeia, Phoneme, Brain Mapping

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LING 1010 Full Course Notes
LING 1010 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Plato"s problem- how do people come to know so much on the basis of so little experience. Plato- all ideas are "innate" they come from our nature. Aristotle- all ideas come from experience they are due to nurture. General learning mechanism- enable human to learn daily activities like making a pizza or kicking a soccer ball. Specific learning mechanisms- enable humans to learn language. The mental grammar- module of the mind that stores generative grammar and allows speaker to produce language that other speakers can understand. Noam chomsky- claims most of language is innate, the innateness hypothesis (the language instinct) Empiricism- refers to the view point that knowledge derives from the senses, human knowledge is empirical in nature: aristotle. Law of contiguity- things/events that occur together in time of space are linked in the mind. Law of similarity- things/events that are similar tend to be linked. Law of contrast- things/events that are opposites tend to be linked.