BIOL 1107 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Glucokinase, Fish Oil, Starch

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23 Jan 2017

Document Summary

1/26 electronegativity - how much an atom wants the other e-, oxygen is most electroneg. Bonds, chemical: nonpolar covalent: equal sharing of e, polar covalent: unequal sharing of e- have partial charges, ionic: transfer of electrons due to high difference in electronegativity. Many ways to draw the same molecule. Polar bonds and bent geometry = overall polarity free e- pairs alter the geometry (bent) A lot of negative charge due to partial negative. Adhesion - interaction between unlike molecules together these form the meniscus. Surface tension - h2o has increasing surface tension. Specific heat - water absorbs a lot of heat before increasing temperature. Universal solvent - dissolves solutes to allow reactions to occur. Hydrogen bonding - allows salts to be broken down into ions. Amphipathic - both phobic and phillic (lipids) 2nd law closed system, disorder (entropy) always increases, in open system things are more ordered spontaneous reactions occur without energy input. Overall increase in entropy during a reaction.