[SOCIOL 1] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (30 pages long)

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Sociology is a way of seeing; a reflection rather than an analysis of society. Principle method of investigation is de-socialization and becoming extra-environmental. We are programmed to think we are in control of our lives and actions (the illusion of choice) Terkel"s work: brought access to the relationship of working with the nature/complexity of social structure and personal life. Taking control and changing things just because you can. Changing something slightly in a routine and seeing how long it takes people to notice. Placing things out of context (i. e. sex noises in a shopping mall) and watching reactions. People play by certain rules and assume everyone else plays by them too: always trying to find a reason why (randomness is outside safety) Subsequent belief will follow a foundation of trust, i. e. throwing in nonsense words and just going with it. Nothing is fixed as we perceive: everything is fluid. Pleasure often comes from the breakdown of social restraints.