PSYCH 85 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mental Representation, Monism, Electroconvulsive Therapy

136 views7 pages
15 Aug 2016

Document Summary

Referents (usually in physical universe, what the representation represents) Mapping between 1 and 2 (intentionality= directed at an object) Representation and algorithm: a formal procedure or system that acts on informational representations; ex = mathematical formula that specifies how the data are to be transformed, what the steps are, and what the order of the steps is. Computer analogy: the algorithmic level is like software because software contains instructions for the processing of data. Inputs can vary, and outputs can become inputs for humans: representation and algorithim: similar in both, physical implementation: human=brain; computer=programs, criticism: Alternative: structural level of analysis molecules, synapses, neurons, neural networks, brain regions this is a counterargument to the tri level hypothesis because it argues that physical structure impacts representations. Humans learn from experience, whereas computers are automatically programmed as 30-year-olds (again, because they have been programmed by a person, so everything they do is actually based on the person that programmed them).