PSYCH 85 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Language Acquisition, Psych, Sketchpad

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

This is a rough guide to the topics that you should focus on for the essay questions on the exam. The essay questions will be limited to topics on this list, though you should note that many of the topics i list are fairly extensive and many involve a number of lecture slides. Also, please note that questions on the multiple-choice section may come from slides not included in this list. Stages of speech production (from babbling through first sentences. Mapping problem bowerman study of english vs. korean. Classical theory: problems with rules and non-necessary features/typicality effects. Three theories of category storage- evidence for/against each. Biology of induction evidence that biases in induction are built into our brain. Biases in judgment describe and give evidence for representativeness and availability heuristics. Theories of decision making what is expected utility theory, how are its predictions incorrect, and how does prospect theory explain behavior better.