PSYCH 115 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sleep Deprivation, Sertraline, Periodic Limb Movement Disorder

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8 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Usually benign and surgically removable - 20% of brain tumors are meningiomas. Aneurysm - a weakened point in a blood vessel making stroke more likely. (1) thrombosis - plug that forms in the brain. (3) arteriosclerosis - when fat deposits cause the blood vessel walls to thicken. Neurons affected will produce too much glutamate. Too much glutamate > too much na+ and ca2+ > spread of toxins. Contrecoup- when one side of the brain is hit and the opposite side of the hit is damaged. Contusions - closed head injury that creates bruise and damage to cerebral circulatory system. Concussions - disturbance of consciousness after a hit, not structural damage. Punch drunk syndrome - when someone has repeated amounts of concussions which leads to a dementia. Know the causes (if discussed in class) and symptoms of the following neuropsychological diseases: down syndrome. Strokes, if you have seizures you might not have epilepsy, but if you have epilepsy, you"ll have seizures.