PHYSCI 5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Carbohydrate Metabolism, Trans Fat, Hypothesis

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18 Apr 2019
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PHYSCI 5 Full Course Notes
PHYSCI 5 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Nutrition describes the science of food: investigates how the food is digested, absorbed, stored and metabolized. Studies how food nourishes our bodies and influences our health. Food: composed of many chemical molecules/compounds, critical for cellular growth and development. Organic compounds: contain carbon in their chemical composition: includes carbohydrates, protein, lipids and vitamins. Inorganic compounds: lack of carbon: includes water and minerals, essential to sustain basic cellular functions. Insoluble in water; include triglycerides, phospholipids and sterols membrane composition and hormone functions: vitamins: Important for metabolism, brain functionality, heart contractions and muscle activities: found naturally in many food items, water: Inorganic essential substance: required for brain electrical impulses, muscle contraction, nutrient transport, excretion of waste product and heart regulation. Credible information regarding diet: cdc, nhanes, brfss, nih, nci, acsm. Adaptation: the more we exercise, the more our skeletal muscle tissues change to accommodate for the different physical activities.