PHILOS 8 Study Guide - Final Guide: Rank, Unit, Unification Church

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16 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Logistics: the final exam will take place on thursday, june 8th, at 4pm in our usual classroom. You should bring a blank blue book to the exam. you should not write anything on the outside or inside of the bluebook before the exam. We looked at a number of views about how scientists should proceed in choosing and changing hypotheses, theories, and frameworks. You should be able to discuss and compare the following people"s views on how such choices should be made: . Protective belt : part of research program that you"ll make changes to first if. Auxiliary hypo are used to apply the hard core to particular something is wrong, hypothesis is wrong, then in the protective belt, cases. Unexpected observances or main hypothesis is wrong = changes made here throw it out. When you make changes they can only be made to the protective. Hardcore: main elements, essential commitments, main commitment, .