PHILOS 8 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Falsifiability, Pseudoscience, Jargon

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3 May 2017

Document Summary

Erosion proof: you can add another premise and the conclusion is still valid. Follows logically valid: conclusion follows the premise, if the premises are true then the conclusion is true. (1) if a is true, then b is true. (2) a is true. If 1 and 2 are true, then the conclusion is true. Sound: has to be valid and premises must be true. The conclusion must be true for sound argument. Example: in general, the mitochondria provide energy for the cell. Example: this experiment is unsupportive of your evidence. The idea of fault, flaw, mistake, weakness, function, Means you have an idea of how things should be. Example: the function of the mitochondria is to produce energy for the cell. All you need is the meaning of the words themselves. You don"t need anymore information other than the meanings of the words. Synthetic: you need more information than just the meanings of the world.