[PHILOS 8] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 23 pages long Study Guide!

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6 Feb 2017

Document Summary

L e c t u r e 2. Objective: factual, non-biased, not skewed by individual opinion/social structure, based on reality rather than perception. Empiricists: john locke, david hume ( how do we know that the sun will rise tomorrow? ) + testimony + senses. Issues: people"s senses are imperfect, the problem of interpretation & language (what is a reliable testimony?) O u t l i n e: the big idea: x is scienti c --> testable, unpacking testability: observation, degrees, possibility, break, where do math/logic t in, analytic/synthetic: too much science, testing holism: not enough science, ayer. L o g i c a l p o s i t i v i s m / e m p i r i c i s m i. Holism: nothing is every tested in isolation but within other background claims. Proposition: ayer"s synonym for x (claim, belief, judgement) Necessary condition: testability is a necessary condition for being scienti c.