LIFESCI 7C Midterm: Midterm 2 Study Guide

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17 Feb 2019

Document Summary

Day 3: describe the general structure of a neuron, relate the structural features of a neuron (i. e. , dendrites, axons) to their functions. Dendrites:a fiberlike extension from the cell body of a neuron that receives signals from other nerve cells or from specialized sensory endings; the input end of a nerve cell. Axon: the fiberlike extension from the cell body of a neuron that transmits signals away from the nerve"s cell body; the output end of a nerve cell. Axon hillock: the junction of the nerve cell body and its axon. Synaptic cleft: the space between the axon of the presynaptic cell and the neighboring postsynaptic cell. Myelin sheath: speeds up the transfer of action potentials from one neuron to the next: explain membrane potential and how it arises in both neuronal and non-neuronal cells. Membrane potential a difference in electrical charge across the plasma membrane.