LIFESCI 7C- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 26 pages long!)

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28 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Cells communicate using chemical signals that bind to specific receptors. Signaling cell: the source of the signaling molecule. Signaling molecule: the carrier of information transmitted when the signaling molecule binds to a receptor; also referred to as a ligand. Receptor protein: the molecule on the responding cell that binds to the signaling molecule. Responding cell: the cell that receives information from the signaling molecule. Quorum sensing: bacteria are able to determine whether they are at low or high population density and then turn on specific genes across the entire community. Signaling involves receptor activation, signal transduction, response and termination. Receptor activation: the (cid:498)turning on(cid:499) of a receptor, which often occurs when. Signal transduction: the process in which an extracellular molecule acts as a a signaling molecule binds to a receptor on a responding cell signal to activate a receptor, which transmits information through the cytoplasm.