LIFESCI 2 Study Guide - Final Guide: Coenocyte, Mycelium, Entertainment Uk

159 views9 pages
14 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Major role in carbon cycle bc they"re decomposers. Most of their metabolic works occur in soil. Heterotrophs --able to ingest and process organic carbon. Most abundant and diverse of euk organisms. Ex. ) yeast, mold, rusts, smuts, mushrooms, lichens. Provides a structure & prevent hyphae from swelling. Allows simple molecules to pass through aka food. Problem: does not allow complex molecules to be absorbed so they excrete enzymes that break down these molecules. Extracellular digestion: excrete enzymes to break down complex molecules. Heterotrophic = gets food from organic carbon!! Hyphae --grows at the tips of the fungus. Coenocytic hyphae : has multinucleate cells (fungus without septa have coenocytic hyphae) Septa --material that seals off damage of fungus or hyphae to prevent cytoplasm from leaking out. Advantages of fungi on forest floor (fungi vs bacteria) Fungi can move at a greater distance due to their growing hyphae to actively look for food whereas bacteria only have a limited amount of space/movement.