[LIFESCI 2] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (38 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Biology is a hierarchy of smaller units that compose the largest things in the universe. Hierarchy of organisms: atoms the simplest unit of patter. Approximately 27 atoms ar in the human body. The essential atoms are carbon (c), nitrogen (n), oxygen (o), and hydrogen (h): macromolecules complex groups of atoms that form proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids, cells macromolecules work together to function as the smallest living organism. Systems in the human body: nervous system. Fast acting system that receives, processes and responds to both internal and external information/changes: muscular system. Allows for movement, maintains posture and produces heat: endocrine system. Chemical communication releases chemical messengers (hormones) to regulate growth reproduction and nutrient use: cardiovascular system. Blood transportation that carries oxygen and carbon dioxide. The heart acts as a pump and blood vessels as pathways: lymphatic/immune system. Transport leaked blood back into the cardiovascular system. Houses white blood cells and protects from foreign substances: respiratory system.