LIFESCI 1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Genetic Variation, Theodosius Dobzhansky, Genotype Frequency

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Chapter 1 life: chemical, cellular, and evolutionary. Observation: is the act of viewing the world around us. Hypothesis: a tentative explanation for one or more observations that makes predictions that can be tested by experiments or additional observations. Experimentation: is a disciplined and controlled way of asking and answering questions about the world in an unbiased manner. Theory: a general explanation of a natural phenomenon supported by a large body of experiments and observations. A hypothesis, then, is a statement about nature that can be tested by experiments or by new observations. Scientists will typically make a prediction of the expected results or observations that would be generated if the hypothesis were supported. In gorongosa, animals are most abundant in the savanna/woodland vegetation type because the high diversity of habitats and food sources can support larger numbers of animals than other vegetation types.