GE CLST M1A Study Guide - Final Guide: Ogallala Aquifer, Bottom Trawling, Longline Fishing

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2. 5% of total water is freshwater with 76% is in ice caps and glaciers. The hydrologic cycle: evapotranpiration, condensation, infiltration, precipitation, and runoff. 70 % agriculture, 20% industrial, 10% residental and municipal. Hidden water: used to create a product; Blue water: water consumed from earth"s freshwater. Green water: water evapotransporated from water absorbed through the soil. 75% of u. s. population only drink bottled water. 1 billion people do not access to clean safe water. Making plastic bottles required equivalent of 17 million barrels of oil in u. s. More than 1 billion people do not have access to clean water. Physical sccarciy: precipitaton, global and temporal distribution. During drought, we rely on groundwater supplies. Ogallala aquifer: withdrawal rate exceeded repletion rate. Pollution: salt has been main water pollutant, industrial waste is also a very important source of water pollution. Poverty of inequity: violation of basic social justice laws. Equal citizenship, equality of opportunity, fair distribution, and social minimum.