[GE CLST 70B] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (17 pages long!)

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Ge70b evolution of cosmos and life-lecture 3: geologic time, fossils, & the earliest. Fossils: evidence of past life, including body, chemical, and trace fossils: includes, whole body fossils, mummification, frozen and bog specimens, amber, preservations of the hard parts-petrification, molds and casts, trace fossils, footprints, trackways, chemical traces. Ge70b- evolution of the cosmos & life: tree of life. Tree of life: evolution as a growing tree, as a tree grows, some branches split and become 2 new, distinct branches, distinct branches represent the origin of new species, others break off or stop growing. Ge 70b evolution of cosmos and life: inheritance and dna. Frizzle gene in chickens cause curled feathers as well as low body temp and high metabolic rate. Ge 70b evolution of the cosmos and life: selection. Ge70b evolution of the cosmos and life: molecular phylogenies: molecular phylogenies continued, gene trees vs.