[ETHNOMUS 45] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (28 pages long)

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Linguistically different states were formed after independence: kerala: malayalam, andhra pradesh: telegu, tamil nadu: tamil. Tuned to the tone of the musical raag: tabla, even percussion music is very tuned to the pitch of the solo instrument. Use variable pinching intonation (stretching the string) to make note. Made of horse hairs that vibrate to make sound. No frets, so you can slide along and make changes in the notes. Vina: indian music often uses sympathetic strings to make an echoing halo around the notes of the raag, certain notes are in harmony with one another because they"re in tune with the underlying harmonics. Indian music uses one underlying tone with harmonious overtones. American music is all over the place: tn krishnan is famous string instrument player. Violin is probably the most prominently used instrument. Bhakti tradition: counterstream to the tradition of the vedas. Music of sant tukaram has entered tradition after people saw it in film: song jai jai panguram.