ETHNOMUS 25 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mami Wata, Juju Music, Soca Music

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29 Nov 2015

Document Summary

Fela kuti- s highlife- jazz (1968- 69: highlife time (with koola lobitos, 1968, wayo (with koola lobitos, 1968, viva nigeria (with koola lobitos, 1969) Assumptions about african popular music: traditional / non- traditional, urban / rural. Intra- cultural / intercultural: foreign / indigenous, stable / innovative. Factors of musical change in west africa: Anglophone africa (ghana and nigeria) Rooted in hybrid music of atlantic coast. Early guitar music: example mami wata (kwaa mensah) Palm- wine music (known as maringa in sierra leone) is a west african musical genre. It evolved among the kru people of sierra leone and liberia, who used. Portuguese guitars brought by sailors, combining local melodies and rhythms with. Trinidadian calypso and soca music. Palm- wine music was named after a drink, Guitar- band highlife: eastern nigerian highlife, the oriental brothers. Clip from jeremy marre film, konkombe (1988) Africanized marching bands (1920s- 30s: calabar (nigeria police band)