EPS SCI 15- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 26 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Oceanography is the study of the chemical, biological, physical, and geological processes of the oceans and seas. Professional oceanographs investigate, interpret, and model all aspects of ocean processes. Encompasses the fields of physics, biology, chemistry, and geology. As technology improved, research vessels, sampling devices, and measuring instruments became more sophisticated and easier to use, more parts of the ocean were able to be explored. Started with ancesotrs of the aboriginal people reaching australia some. They lived through glaciation periods, following shoreline as the sea level fluctuated. Also: polynesian migration to the many islands of the pacific ocean. Canoes were made by hollowing out logs. Relied on sound seamanship, navigational skills, local knowledge, passed on these skills verbally. Depended on behaviors of the local wave, current, and weather patterns, as well as the position of key navigational stars. By the sixth century bc, phoenicians had established sea routes for trading throughout the mediterranean area, started to venture into the atlantic ocean.