CLUSTER 20B Study Guide - Final Guide: Chicago Riot, Racialization, Medicine Man

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26 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Anatomy of four race riots by lee e. williams. Tulsa riot: black man (dick rowland) accidentally stepped on a white girl"s foot in an elevator and she claimed he had assaulted her. Rioting began as whites invaded the black neighborhood. Police did little to stop it, and some special officers were participants ringleaders in the shooting . Underlying factors of the riot were resentment of lower-class whites towards blacks because they were achieving economic prosperity, a lack of law enforcement and political corruption. Chicago riot: racial tensions were extremely high due to blacks moving into white neighborhoods. The rioting was disproportionate to whites, yet twice as many blacks were apprehended even though blacks sustained twice as many injuries as whites. Lists causes for the riot: racial prejudice, economic competition, political corruption, and exploitation of black voters, police inefficiency, biased media reporting against blacks, and housing. Blacks were the victims of these riots and the underlying cause was racial tension.