CLUSTER 20B Study Guide - Final Guide: Terra Nullius, Monroe Doctrine, Thurgood Marshall

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26 Mar 2019

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Week 3 - bad indians & rhymes for young ghouls. Colonialism: european domination and subjugation of foreign peoples, promotes hegemony by way of economic,political and physical control, examples: the treatment of indigenous people by federal gov. Terra nullius: land legally deemed uninhabited, and thus inhabitable by the europeans. Example of this seen with the americas, in which millions of indigenous people had existed for hundreds of years before colonizers swept in, killed everyone with smallpox and guns and decided the land was theirs. Doctrine of discovery: gave christian explorers the right to claim lands they discovered and lay claim to those lands for their christian monarchs, native nations were domestic dependent nations . Indians were no more than the flora and fauna (supreme court justice marshall) (goeman) Intersectionality: gendered violence, goeman, indigenous women will experience sexual violence (goemen, senca falls, 1848, conference for womens" rights.