CHEM 153C Study Guide - Final Guide: Glycerol, Fatty Acid-Binding Protein, Monologist

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Emulsifying action of bile salts (derived from cholesterol) Mono carboxylates in mono fa (as products of phosphorylysis): act as detergents and aid in emulsification. Forms 1:1 complex with triacylglycerol lipase in the presence of mixed micelles. Aids in adsorption of enzyme to emulsified oil droplets. Lid: blocks active site b5 loop: blocks active site. Movement of b5 loop: formation of oxyanion hole and hydrophobic surface. H bond to open lid: stabilizes active conformation. Tag (phospholipase a2 and phospholipase d) . Function: blood platelets wound repair/ stimulates cell growth. _hydrophobic channel: prevent no solvation/ desolvation of substrate/ hydrophobic lipid core bilayer when exposed to the aqueous solution. Lipases must act upon regions of molecule not normally exposed to aqueous environment. Active site ca2+ to stabilize the negative charge of polar basic aa side chains. Interaction of hydrophobic tails with aromatic side chains. Oxyanion hole for tetrahedral oxyanion intermediate/ transition state.