CHEM 153A Study Guide - Final Guide: Fructokinase, Glucokinase, Mannose

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_ reflect different metabolic roles and requirements of different compartments/ organs. Produce the same way, bind to the same enzyme. Shut down hexokinase and not create glycogen as the short- term e storage) Hexokinase phosphorylates a number of pathways (low km quickly activated with any blood glucose level) High blood glucose: can be stored as glycogen. Normal/ low blood glucose = cleanse the glycogen for energy. _only interested in removing blood glucose out of the system, not active at low km, Else, will clear all glucose in the blood no more available for metabolism. _store excess glucose as glucose (i. e. able to be active at high. _uninhibited = g6p so can continue to clear blood glucose. _not active at lower [glucose] so not to take glucose from. _under high [glucose] liver not able to clear blood glucos. Reversible pathways produce small e (i. e. small step as the glycolytic reactions in the diagram)