CHEM 153A Study Guide - Final Guide: Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase, Phosphofructokinase 2, Phosphofructokinase

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How rate of glycolysis is affected by high glucose availability. **pfk (the rate-determining step of glycolysis) is activated = f-2,6- Produced by pfk-2 dephosphorylation in response to high. Lead to a larger net flux through glycolysis (than only. **higher relative activity of pfk changes the [p]/[r] ratios of. Downstream reversible enzymes => reactions are favorable in. The direction of glycolysis (e. g. coupling reaction between gapdh and. Pgk) (how it affects the thermodynamics un glycolysis vs gluconeogenesis) Need to produce glucose when there is no other source (food or. Glycogen) for certain organs (brain, nervous system, rbc) The irreversible (regulated) enzymes in glycolysis are bypassed. = other irreversible opposing enzymes (in the opposing pathway) These opposing enzymes are differentially regulated (1 activated. When other inhibited) so only 1 is active at a given time under. Without o2 (tca cycle isn"t functional), glycolysis is the only. The conversion from pyruvate to lactate to regenerate nad+