CH ENGR 104A Quiz: 104A Sample Quiz 1 Questions and (most) Answers

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9 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Quiz 1 will be a closed book and notes quiz. Students must bring a basic scientific calculator and cannot use mobile phones or internet-connected devices. Students should know the general propagation of error and. Additional equations and statistical tables will be provided. These representative questions cover material up through confidence intervals. Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false by circling t or f. a deduction of. Even chewing gum that never leaves your mouth is not allowed in the laboratory. Ethanol (or methanol) from the 104a composition investigation cannot be poured down the drain when you are done with it. The fire extinguisher is located next to the safety shower, which is adjacent to the fume hood. Working in the undergraduate laboratory without supervision is permitted, so long as there are other 104a students in the lab with you.