ANTHRO 8 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Anthropocene, Individualism, Cattle In Religion And Mythology

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6 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Midterm 2 study guide: what is the relationship among food, goods, and work, food. Cultivation of staple foods: essential to the development of cities, states, and empires: goods. Individualism seen through selective choices; social construct: aftermath: trash, work. Planning: what is the role of monuments in human societies and how do they reflect both community and leadership principles, ur"s mesopotamia article, monumental public architecture. Climate change: new opportunities, megafauna start disappearing where humans arrived, hunting big prime animals to extinction, local adaptations, new animals. What the causes, consequences, and complexities of domestication and agriculture: domestication: humans taking over the control of plant/animal reproduction, purpose: Climate opportunity during the holocene in which climates became more stable and predictable. Parties/feasting via surplus: plants and animals are domesticated. Plants: harvest and replant seeds of certain plants where you have to disperse/thresh seeds (1) dependent on you for reproduction: animals: able to work (pull stuff, ride them, carry items), renewable resources (milk,fertilizer, wool, consequences: