[ZOO 3733C] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (91 pages long)

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Introduction to anatomy / introduction to bones and muscles. Human anatomy (aka morphology) study of the structure of the human body, closely related to physiology which is the study of the system and body function. Gross anatomy deals with tissues bigger than 0. 1 mm can be seen with the naked eye and through dissection. Microscopic anatomy (histology) deals with smaller structures (ex. Cells, tissues, groups of cells) or microscopic details of various organs. These can be investigated at light or electron microscopy levels. Systemic anatomy skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, cardiovascular, digestive, and respiratory system. Regional anatomy back and lower limb, upper limb and thorax, abdomen and pelvis, and head and neck, study by specific regions. Surface anatomy shapes and markings on the body surface. Functional anatomy deals with function of the body structures. Developmental anatomy deals with structural changes in the tissues caused by disease. Embryology studying development of the body before birth.