ZOO 3713C Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Exocrine Gland, Pneumothorax, Bronchodilator

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21 Mar 2016

Document Summary

Test 3: thorax, histology, and cell biology (blood supply very important) The irst rib has a scalene tubercle along with two grooves for the subclavian a. and the brachial plexus. The sternal angle (angle of louis) is at the level of t4. Xiphoid process of sternum may ossify in middle age and cause concern (thinking it is a tumor). The scalene m. , sternocleidomastoid, intercostal m. , and pectoralis major/minor elevate the ribs. The intercostal nerves and vessels run inferior to the ribs. Dermatomes are the skin innervaion by the spinal nerves. The nipple is by t4 and the umbilicus is by t10. 75% of the breast is drained by the axillary lymph nodes (pectoral/anterior groups, some into the central groups) through the subareolar plexus of sappay. Breast blood supply is by the ita, axillary (lat. thoracic) a. , and intercostal a. Breast venous drainage is by v. of same names which then drain into axillary and azygos v.