ZOO 3713C- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 106 pages long!)

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30 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Study plan: si test review sheet, brachial plexus pictures, submandibular triangle fig 8. 36 on pg 464, matt"s flashcards, upper limb: 2424582: http://quizlet. com/19329867/anatomy-test-2-review-flash-cards, review lab material to gain spacial familiarity, joints outline: Joint joint between epiphysis and diaphysis (epiphyseal plate) or. 3 bones of the hip: synostosis when the joints firmly fuse, 2nd cart. Synovial fluid is released into joint cavity nourishes articular surfaces covered by cartilage cartilage becomes damaged without adequate synovial fluid: synovial fluid can be used diagnostically, withdrawal of fluid for analysis, contrast medium arthrogramy. 4th component: plantar calcaneonavicular ligament aka spring ligament. Traction on the arm at birth or falling on the shoulder may damage the upper part of the plexus (roots may be pulled out of spinal cord) Signs: deltoid and supraspinatus are paralyzed (no arm abduction) Infraspinatus paralysis leads to medial rotation of the arm. Biceps and brachialis are also paralyzed (no elbow flexion) .