PSY 2012 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Color Vision, Social Contract, Observer-Expectancy Effect

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15 Oct 2015

Document Summary

Chapter 1: be able to define psychology. * psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes: know the difference between overt and covert behavior. Developmental psychologists= study course of human development from conception to death. Learning theorists= study how and why learning occurs. Personality theorists= study personality traits, motivation, and individual differences. Sensation & perception psychologists= study how we interpret the world through out senses. Comparative psychologists= study and compare the behavior of different species (especially animals) Biopsychologists= interested in how behavior relates to biological processes, especially activities in the nervous system. Clinical psychologists= interested in the relationship between mental health and behavior. Neuropsychologists= study the relationship between the brain and behavior. Cognitive psychologists= primarily interested in thinking (problem solving, memory, etc) Gender psychologists= study differences between male and female. Social psychologists= explore human social behavior (attitudes, riots, friendship. etc) Cultural psychologists= study ways in which culture effects behavior.