PSY 2012 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Slot Machine, Implicit Memory, Reinforcement

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31 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Acquisition: the initial stage of learning, during which a response is established and gradually strengthened: the phase in which a stimulus comes to evoke a cr. Association: learning that 2 events occur together: classical, operant. Classical conditioning: 2 stimuli: when we see lightning we wince expecting thunder. Ivan pavlov: begins with a reflex, pair a neutral stimulus with the stimulus that evokes that reflex, neutral stimulus will soon evoke the reflex on its own. Pavlov study: tested dog"s saliva: before feeding rang and eventually after taking away feeding dogs salivate just by hearing the bell. Unconditioned stimulus: effective stimulus that unconditionally-automatically & naturally: triggers a response, food in mouth. Unconditioned response: automatic response to the unconditioned stimulus: salivation. Conditioned stimulus: previously neutral stimulus that, after association with an unconditioned stimulus, come to trigger a conditioned response: bell. Conditioned response: learned response to a previously neutral conditioned stimulus: salivation.