[PSY 2012] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (28 pages long)

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Document Summary

Neuron: basic building block of the nervous system. Consists of a cell body, dendrites, axons, & presynaptic/axon terminals. Myelin sheath: layer of fatty tissue that insulates some axons to speed impulses. Communicates with the body by means of sensory & motor neurons. Reflex: a simple, automatic, inborn response to a sensory stimulus. Brainstem: central core of the brain: medulla: controls heartbeat & breathing, reticular formation: involved in controlling arousal. Cerebellum: little brain; coordination of voluntary movement & balance. The limbic system: associated with emotions & drives. Hypothalamus: maintenance & governs the endocrine system via the pituitary gland. Left: controls right side of the body; language. Right: controls left side of the body; emotion. Gender differences: less lateralized (specialized) in females than males. Frontal lobe- mental map (cognitive maps), language function, speech. Temporal lobe- hearing and complex aspects of vision. Auditory cortex- not what you actually hear, it"s what you think you are hearing.