MCB 2004C Study Guide - Final Guide: Beta-Lactamase, Beta-Lactam, Cytochrome C Oxidase

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Make sure you can list all possible results and components from each of the media/tests discussed (sugar fermentation, sim, of glucose, and oxidase pages 49-57). Also make sure you understand how different ingredients produce these results (why does sim turn black or why do pr fermentation tubes turn yellow, etc). Are there any additional things added to a medium that are important for interpreting results (things other than ph indicators). It is also important for the identification of the neisseria species. The oxidase test is performed by adding a drop of oxidase reagent (1% tetramethyl-p- phenyalanine) to a paper disk inoculated with the culture. If a dark purple color develops within 10 seconds, it indicates a positive test for the presence of cytochrome oxidase. The enzyme cytochrome oxidase is part of an electron transport system in obligately aerobic organisms that use oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor.