[ANT 2000] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (48 pages long!)

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

2nd generation of anthropologists questioned how cultures were being studied. Qualitative definition: clifford geertz- anthropology is figuring out the webs of meaning and significance in one culture, how things are named and what they mean. Our definition: shared, socially learned knowledge and patterns of behavior of some human group. Paleoanthropology and evolution: how humans came about, our bodies. How we make noises, and which ones we make. Study living groups learn life cycles, patterns, etc. Applied: when anthropologists work in areas other than academics to help solve social problems. Large canines, parallel arcade, human like tibia and knee. Canines made it look animal like (meat eaters) Human like tibia and knee meant they walked upright. Dental arcade: human arch is more curved like a parabola while apes are more parallel. Smaller canines, still ape like but more human, bipedal, small brain (400 cc) Postorbital constriction: ape has bigger pinching by eyes, humans are smaller.