[HIST 010] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 23 pages long Study Guide!

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Di erent from old and middle because egyptians hated being under hyksos rule and were scarred by hyksos occupation vowed to never let anyone conquer them again. Creation of an egyptian army made large army to protect freedoms. First in history to proactively attack and conquer other empires if they could conquer other empires it would prevent future attack. Newly conquered land acted as a defensive bu er zone if attackers wanted to get to the nile, they have to ght through bu er zones. May have been the rst female to rule egypt possibly rst female ruler in history was tradition for family to marry each other to keep blood pure. 1st battle in history we know and have details for. Thutmosis was warrior pharaoh led troops into battle took quicker route through mountains and caught enemies o guard. 1st pharaoh to travel that far all conquers south in kush/nubia.