CS 008 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Usb Flash Drive, Herman Hollerith, Grace Hopper

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Joseph jacquard 19th earliest century; programmable loom. Charles babbage 19th analytical century; engine/calculator. Ada lovelace 19th century; mother of programming. Herman hollerith 20th century; tabulating machine for census ibm. Alan turing 20th century; broke nazi code; father of. Grace hopper 20th century; first complier that converts machine assembly language; coined the term. Eniac first general purpose computers; entire rooms. Univac first commercial presidential computers; election. Algorithm a sequence of instructions that solves a problem. Computer bug an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program/system causing an incorrect/unexpected result. Computer hardware evolution: first generation vacuum tubs, second generation transistors (a switch to control the electricity, 1 = on, 0 = off: third generation integrated circuits (chips) (for speed, holds increases speed due to less distance traveled, fourth generation microprocessors. Embedded computers a computer inside another electronical device; largest in terms of number (#); serves a particular purpose (e. g. , microwave) Bit a single 0 or 1; measures data transfer rate.