WRITING 39B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Enthymeme, Deductive Reasoning, Inductive Reasoning

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Reading: carefully read the middle section of chapter 3: pages 83-96 (stop once you hit the. Writing: for your notes, complete each of the following: compare reason and rationalization, as presented in this section. Reason may not be the only way of finding the truth, but it is a way on which we often rely. If we set our minds to a problem, we can often find reasons to justify anything. Rationalization: devise a self serving, but dishonest reason. Only a start because we would have to define the synonym. Very few word have exact synonyms: definition by example ( ostensive definition ): Helpful ensuring both writer and reader are talking about the same thing: definition by stipulation ( stipulative definition ); Difficulty- the key terms need to be precisely defined and agreed upon by all parties: definition by offering a set of sufficient and necessary conditions (and how this can help check for the effectiveness of a given definition).