STATS 7 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Isolated Point, Box Plot, Histogram

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26 Jun 2019

Document Summary

Ordinal: ordered (ex) government position, likert scale (strongly agree to strongly disagree) Discrete: isolated point on number line; set value (ex) shoe size, # of ________, letter grades. Continuous: any value on number line (ex) height, weight, gpa. Population: entire collection of things/people you want to study. Upper fence = q3 + 1. 5 x iqr. Lower fence = q1 - 1. 5 x iqr. Standard deviation: for symmetric, not resistant to outliers. Contingency tables (two variables) to show joint distribution. Joint frequency: number units in group and category. Joint proportion: probability/relative frequency; p = rf / n. Marginal distribution: look at only group or only category. Normal distributions x ~ normal ( mean, std. dev. ) Use z-score (unitless) to determine how many std. dev. Z = x - mean / std. dev. There is a (strong/moderate/weak) (positive/negative) (linear/nonlinear) relationship between (explanatory variable) and (response variable). As (variable 1) increases, (variable 2) (increases/decreases) on average.