SOCECOL E8 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Trafigura, Vinyl Chloride

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Civil action: well, assuming that what the epa found was true, yes. Because it depends on the evidence that is presented in the course of a trial . If the evidence doesn"t cut it, and you come up with a different result from what the epa has found, and you assume that the epa was correct, then it didn"t produce the truth, that"s right. Judge skinner has two opinions on whether the truth came out. 1) is if the epa findings after the case were correct then the truth did not come out. In our opinion the truth did not come out because the structure of the case did not allow the families to tell their stories in the court. Slide show (did the truth come out in the trial) Science yet can"t provide the answer whether what caused leukemia , but the law will.