SOCECOL E8 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Safe Drinking Water Act, Flint Water Crisis, Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune

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Midterm #1 Review
1. Flint Water Crisis*
a. What failures of government participated the crisis?
Intransigence, unpreparedness, delay, inaction, and environmental injustice.
Failure to effectively enforce drinking water regulations.
Safe Drinking Water Act
Lead and Copper Rule: monitoring lead and copper levels and corrosions in piping systems and
tap water systems.
2. Science and the Law in a Civil Action
a. Why in 1986 could the law answer the following question and science could not in the A
Civil Action case?
Without physical proof of whether the chemicals in the drinking water caused diseases and
deaths, then the law cannot be argued.
Chemically, there has not been any past records, studies, and documentations about chemicals
before which affected Woburn town. Since there is no actual data and proof, science cannot
b. What aused the leukeia ad is the threat oer?
The polluted drinking water caused leukemia.
The threat is not over.
3. Master “ergeat’s Daughter
a. What killed Janey Ensminger?
From childhood leukemia due to contaminated water from Camp Lejeune.
Water distribution in Camp Lejeune was contaminated with various chemicals such as TCE, PCE,
and DCE. These chemicals are either known or suspected human carcinogens.
b. Why did her early death occur?
Because one of the contaminated wells did not shut down until after 5 years, knowing the high
level of contaminants.
4. Precautionary Principle
a. What is the precautionary principle?
Forearig; foresight ad preparatio
Applies to human health and the environment
Humans are responsible to protect, preserve, and restore the global ecosystems on which all
life, including our own, depends.
If an activity raises threats of harm to the environment or human health, precautionary
measures should be taken even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established
5. Bluerg’s Mths ad Realities
a. Identify the myths and realities presented by Professor Blumberg.
EPA under many laws tests the effects of chemicals on human, animal, and environmental
EPA praties preautioar priiple i regulatig heials.
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