SOCECOL 10 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Statistical Inference, Standard Deviation, Variance

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Compare and contrast the different scales of measurement. Men or women (difference are of kind )- identity. Telephone numbers, numbers on uniforms, brands of soup, employment status, diagnostic categories: ordinal. Ex: divide participants on the basis of creativity (non-creative, creative, highly) reflect continuum of magnitude numbers provide rank. Numbers rep degrees or just act as a placeholder (identity) Class standing, results of races, weekly college football polls o. Scale values are related by a single underlying quantitative dimension. Has equal intervals (equal amounts of the quantity being measured between every two successive numbers on the scale) Temperature, scores on intelligence tests, scores on personality adjustment inventories: ratio measurement. Scores are related by a single quantitative dimension like ordinal or interval) Length, weight, time, reaction time, number of responses made by an individual. Cite two ways to display data. frequency distribution, measure of tendency, measure of variation. Give examples of three different measures of variability and describe their functions.